A day in the life of a 10 month old

This morning I woke up feeling refreshed, energised and ready to start the day! I looked over to Mummy, then to DaddyI definitely could not say the same about them! Last night I woke up shortly after Mummy had gone to bed so Daddy had come in to see me. I don't get to see him much in the week so I assumed he'd want some quality Daddy-daughter time without Mummy interfering!! We had some cuddles, watched some cartoons and then took silly selfies together! It was great fun!

Eventually, Mummy came down and tried to put me back in my cot but I was wired. I wanted to play, not sleep! Also my gummies were hurting me – Mummy says I have some teeth coming through. I'm not sure how I feel about that, all I know is, it hurts!! I wanted extra hugs and cuddles from Mummy and Daddy. Eventually they got the message and bought me up to their bed. Score!

As soon as I woke up I could hear pup barking downstairs! He is our dog, and my best friend. He used to be mummy's best friend, but since I came along he likes me better, and who can blame him? I'm always trying to play with him and sharing my food, whilst Mummy is always telling him off! I'm desperate to get downstairs to see him but Mummy is faffing around brushing her teeth and hair amongst other things! I decided to entertain myself but everything I pick up mummy just takes off me! IPhone, cough mixture, torch, goggles...

Finally... she's ready to go downstairs. Yay! "Morning pup" I shout, then give him a big smile and a wave. Mummy lets him out and then makes breakfast for the three of us. Mummy and I are having toastits my favourite breakfast (apart from pancakes, but we only get those on Sundays). After breakfast Mummy and I go up to my room and she chooses me an outfit for the day. Then we get to play! I have a quick dip in my ball pool, but then I get distracted by something far more interesting: a box of coat hangers!!

After my late night hanging out with Daddy it is definitely time for a nap!! Typical mummyshe is always whinging on about how little I nap, but when I do its then she decides that it is time to go out! Rudely she disturbs me from my peaceful slumber and puts me in the car. Mummy says we are off to swimming! I love my swimming lessons, we have such fun together splashing about. Plus, I get to see my boyfriend, he is a couple of months older than me and super cool!

We have to pop home after swimming. I sat on Mummy's friends swimming costume so my leggings are all wet! She is not just Mummy's friend, she is also my God Mummy and mummy to my boyfriend. She is pretty awesome and likes to play and be silly (just like Mummy and I) Its only a quick stop at home and we are back in the car. “Where next” I wonder! Urgh, food shopping! She knows I hate shopping!! Mummy drives around in a circle a couple of times as she groans about inconsiderate people parking in the parent spots.

Shopping was as boring as I had imagined – so much so that I needed a little car nap on the way home. By the time I wake up Mummy has packed us both a lunch and we are off out again! We are non-stop today! The sun is shining…looks like it is time for a picnic!! We set up our blanket and Mummy gets out all kinds of yummy treats for me to try! Mummy has a cookie, it looks loads better than anything she's bought for me. She is totally unreasonable tooshe refuses to share, even when I offer up some tomato in exchange.

The park is great, there are always loads of dogs there. Although obviously pup is my most favourite dog, I love all dogs. Several come and say hi but before I get to feed any of them a breadstick their owner calls them away! I spot one laying down near us, but everytime I get close enough to stroke him mummy takes me all the way back to our spot. Eventually she gives in, she checks the dog is ok around children and babies, and I get to give him a stroke. He is very friendly!

Next it’s time to play! Mummy takes me in the park and pushes me on the swings, then we get to play on the climbing frame. Mummy is starting to let me play on a lot more stuff at the park! I have recently learnt to walk, I am not great at it, but I am determined to get better. I can get to places so much quicker, and I am hoping that one day I will get quicker than mummy! She always gets to the good stuff I want to play with before me. Mummy and I have lots of fun playing together then we pop home to collect pup and take him for a walk.

When we get home we chill out and watch cartoons for a bit, but then Mummy ABANDONS me to make something called ‘dinner’! While she is distracted cooking ‘dinner’ I get to do all the things she doesn't let me…like having a good old chew on the dogs toy. Awww man, she's caught me!! It's Mexican night tonight! My favourite! And daddy will be home soon! Yay!!

After dinner the 4 of us all chill out and watch cartoons. This might be my favourite part of the day! Next bath time, then time for bed! I make a bit of a fuss as mummy and daddy get me changed. I wouldn't mind, but Mummy already got me changed once today! Why do it a second time?  They read me a story, and it is one of the books I choose from the library earlier this week. After such a hectic day, I'm not sure I can stay awake for the whole story! Cuddles with mummy and some lovely milk. Its been a good day, I cant wait to see what is in store for tomorrow... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Disclosure: Please note, the thoughts of little bear in this blog are purely conjecture. I can not be sure what she actually thinks as her vocabulary is currently limited to 'Dog'.

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