7 Reasons Why My Mummy Friends Rock!!

This week I am really happy as I get to see two of my favourite people (four if we include the babies, which we really should). They are my mummy friends, I cannot tell you how excited I am. We aim to meet once a month but due to various reasons we haven't had a proper catch up since August. Time moves so fast when you have a baby. It is something that everyone with children will say to any expectant parents they come across and it can get annoying, until you realise just how true it is.

So much has happened in the 8 weeks or so since we last met up. My little bear has learnt to walk and has grown loads. She is babbling lots more and has taken up frantic waving! I know their babies will have changed a great deal too and I cannot wait to see how much they have grown and what they have learnt. It is not just the babies with a lot going on either. As of tomorrow I am officially unemployed (and still feeling a little sad about it), but then again…I have started my own company and started blogging too! To say we have a lot to discuss would be an understatement.

At the time I found out I was pregnant two of my best friends were already pregnant. It isn’t like we planned to have babies together, although, we are all the same age and got married within 2 years of each other so it could hardly be considered a massive coincidence. But it has worked out better than I could have imagined! Once I told them both I was expecting too we were all so excited (and a little bit terrified) and decided our babies would all be best of friends just like we are.

Around that time we also started a Facebook Messenger group chat; at the time I didn't think much of it, but it has been an absolute lifeline. Throughout my pregnancy, labour, and my baby’s first year it was like I had my own little support network. We have been friends since primary school but I feel we are closer now than ever. I genuinely do not know how I would have made it through the past 18+ months without their constant support and encouragement.

Here are 7 reasons why my mummy friends Rock! -

1. We are only ever supportive, never judgemental. This means we can always be 100% open and honest with each other and discuss absolutely anything. We never feel we have to hold anything back. It is so important to have someone you can trust to open up to.

2. We have a very similar parenting style. We are all pretty relaxed and chilled out, we don't fret too much about anything, don't get hung up on routine, milestones etc. We are happy letting our little ones explore and learn for themselves.

3. We never pretend to know more than the other. We are all just winging it, we are always there for each other for emotional support and give advice where we can. We are all on a level playing field, doing our best and learning as we go, and we don't pretend otherwise.

4. We are always there for each other. Even if it is 3am we can be there for a chat when those babies simply refuse to sleep. When one of my friends was having a bit of a tough time we were ready to drop everything and drive over, even if it was just to give her a hug! 

5. We never feel the need to get dressed up, wear makeup or even brush our hair when we meet up. We have been friends for so long we are so relaxed around each other, we don't care what we look like, as long as we get to see each other.

6. We laugh, a lot. Sometimes we laugh so we don't cry, sometimes we laugh at each other, sometimes we are in fits of laughter about our latest poo adventure! We never take ourselves too seriously, we love to poke fun at each other and we have a jolly good time. These girls can always make me giggle, even on the hardest days.

7. The thing that scared me most about being a mum was being a mum without a mum. Thanks to these awesome women, I have two mums in my life! Yes, they have only been doing it 3 months longer than I havebut being a mum changes who you are and how you view the world. Their opinions and insights have become invaluable to me. They are not just my friends, they are the mums that I look to in absence of my own, they are my family.

I want to thank these two amazing mummies and let them know how much I appreciate having them in my life. I hope they know just how much they have helped me, how lucky I feel to have them; and how grateful I am to be able to share this wonderful journey of motherhood with two of my best friends by my side. In my opinion mum friends are essential to make it through pregnancy and the first year, especially for new mums. In one day everything in your life has changed, you have changed, nothing can prepare you for the reality of motherhood, and no one can truly understand unless they are a mum themselves. Mummies out there – don’t forget to support one another!

Fun day out with the yummy mummy's!

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  1. Spot on! It's so important to have a mummy friend on the same level as you. Too many are quick to judge and offer unwanted 'advice'


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