What mums really want when they've just had a baby... and what they don't!!

A few of LBs visitors in the first 2 weeks

Last week I got asked, as someone who has had a baby relatively recently, what to bring new parents. I know from talking to other mums and from personal experience that there are some things you really want/need when you have a newborn. And there are also somethings you really don't! Here is my list of what we want, and what we can probably live without…


FOOD - The absolute best thing I was bought days after birth...KFC! I was so happy to be bought warm, delicious, bad for you, food! (Especially after a week of hospital food!). New parents will be so distracted with this tiny little life they are now responsible for that feeding themselves may get downgraded. A ready-cooked meal, some healthy snacks or even a takeaway will definitely go down well!

Vouchers - Despite copious amounts of planning, shopping and gifts while pregnant, once the baby arrives there will undoubtedly be a handful of things new parents will need once little one arrives. It's likely to be something boring (even slightly embarrassing) that wouldn't be bought as a gift, so vouchers are great! For me it was nursing bras, after I naively thought that I'd only need two!!! I was leaking left right and centre, I needed 2 a day!

Hand me downs - Newborns puke and poop on whatever you put them in, so there is no point putting them in anything too fancy! If, like me, you have boxes full of baby clothes pass them down. If they are washed and folded even better! I got tons of clothes from my Sister-in-Law in all sizes, it was great!

Personalised items - A gift with a little extra thought or effort will be really appreciated. Hand-knitted items, personalised frames and named story books are all great ideas. My Mother in Law made us a beautiful hand-knitted bear that was really special.

Clothes in various sizes - EVERYONE buys newborn clothes! I know plenty of parents (myself included) that were so overwhelmed with newborn clothes that there are some that never even got worn. Consider buying an outfit in 3-6 months or 6-9 months – babies grow fast and any help with the cost of keeping them clothed over the entirety of their first year of life will be appreciated. A great suggestion from a fellow mum was an outfit for each age bracket. I thought this was a great idea!

Baby grows, vests, bibs and Muslins - All the boring basics - baby grows, vests, muslins... you can never have too many! Even with the washing machine going 24-7 we had to make 2 separate trips for extra vests in the early weeks!

Toiletries - Don't forget Mumma! Spoil her with a few nice toiletries. Do bear in mind their birth though, as things like bubble baths may not be suitable for a few weeks. Lip balm and dry shampoo are both great ideas

Feeding pillow - One of the best, most useful, gifts I received. Also something that I had no idea I needed until I had one. It was in constant use every day when LB was a newborn and 16 months in I still use it every night at bedtime.

Bottled water - Forget Champagne, bottled water is what new mums need. Sat stuck to a chair for hours, you want a cold drink close to hand what wont spill or break. Also if the mum is breastfeeding they'll need to drink lots of water.


Feeding equipment - Breast feeding equipment for mums planning to bottle feed…and bottle feeding equipment for mums planning to breastfeed. It can be a delicate subject and there is already enough pressure on new mums. Best to steer clear of feeding products unless you know for sure.

Baby hats, sleep mitts and booties - The hats are ridiculous and can make babies overheat. And most newborns live in onsies for the first few months which cover feet and have built in mitts! Although, top tip for any new mumas I learnt from my research (I wouldn't know as I don't have a boy) the hats are great to pop on little willies to avoid getting peed on mid change!

Silver plated anything - Hairbrushes, combs, rattles etc. It will get put away at some point and probably never seen again. There are so many more practical gifts that will be infinitely more useful.

Designer clothes and fussy outfits -  They look ridiculous, they'll get pooped on, they are not comfortable and they are harder to wash. I got a few items that were handwash only. They are both now doll size!

Champagne - Don't get me wrong, I love Champagne, but straight after given birth I was not up for bottles of the stuff! I still have bottles left over from when LB was born. We got so much, but all I wanted was water. I'm sure dad will love it but mums done all the hard work!

DVDs - While researching for this blog I found I wasn't the only one that received DVDs. Although a nice idea, it took my husband and I over 6 months before we got round to watching a film start to finish, uninterrupted without either of us falling asleep. It took us the best part of two weeks to finish the episode of ‘Peep Show’ we’d been watching when I went into labour!

Seasonally inappropriate clothing - Think about the size you are buying and when it will fit them. We got 2 padded all in one suits in 3-6 months, by the time LB grew in to them it was May! I'm saving them on the off chance I have girl twins born in the Summer!!

Also... couple of things... Don't stay too long, don't expect a cup of tea made for you, instead offer to make one, check if they need anything picking up from the shop, ask if there are any chores they'd like help with, offer to watch the baby while they shower...

With thanks to my fellow welly walkers, tiddlers, from one parent to another and my two besty muma buds for your contribution.

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  1. I must say the few bottles of wine I received, though strange at the time have been thankfully enjoyed a little bit later on!

    I would add to the yes please pile: nappies, baby wipes and nappy sacks.
    Tom's dad brought round a big box of baby wipes which kept us for about a month. The nappy sacks are still being used. And we didn't have to buy nappies for a couple of weeks, which was awesome, as they go through them like crazy... even if you are planning on using cloth nappies, there will be plenty of mum friends to share your stash with :)

    1. Yes good point! LB was born end of November and trips to Aldi (every mums favourite place for nappies and wipes)are terrifying on the run up to Christmas. My husband witnessed a fight over the last bread sauce and got dirty looks from people assuming he was trying to push in, he wasn't, the nappies are near the tills and the end of the queue was not!!


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