10 Things I miss about working in an office now I am a full time SAHM

To this day I am still struggling with the decision I made almost a year ago, to not return full time once my maternity leave ended and instead be a full time mum! I remember at the time thinking there wasn't a right or wrong decision, going back or not going back both felt equally right and wrong at the same time. I had hoped I would come to terms with my decision but I still feel conflicted by my decision. Here are some of the things I miss from my old life working full time...

1. Lunch Breaks - Some days would be a sandwich at my desk but there were also times I'd go for lunch with friends, browse the shops or just sit outside in the sunshine enjoying the peace and quiet for an hour. Lunch with a toddler flinging food and a dog yapping constantly are never that peaceful...

2.Office Parties - I have been to some really amazing office parties, and some not so good ones. Either way things always get a little crazy, and the next day in the office is always interesting. Any fellow self employed or SAHMs out there, get in touch if you fancy a night out! There wont be the gossip mills the following day but we could still have some fun! 

3. Colleagues - How ever much you get out and about, clubs, classes, play dates... It can get lonely being a SAHM. I really do miss having a team to bounce ideas off of, teach and train, and general day to day gossip. I have met some good friends through work, my job before having LB was a great team of people.

4. Deadlines - I really enjoy working under pressure and the thrill of big projects and presenting to directors. Its exciting and terrifying at the same time. I should set myself more deadlines but it can be hard to be self motivated, especially when you are juggling far more things and doing it all on a lot less sleep!

5. Finishing Work - Having a 9-5 (or 8.30-6.00, does anyone just do 9-5 anymore), although there are times you have to stay late, it does have an end point. Trying to run my own business and being a full time mum, both seem to be 24-7, there is no end point, you don't ever switch off.

6. Excel - Total nerd I know, but I love a good spreadsheet! I can make you up a spreadsheet for pretty much anything! I have made them for my business of course but there is far less data to analysis, at this stage anyway, who knows what the future holds?

7. Friday Beers - This is specific to my last job, Friday afternoon the beer trolley came round, we'd all enjoy a drink together as we finished the week. I have heard that since leaving there is sometimes bar snacks too, the promise of pork scratchings on a Friday was almost enough to convince me to return full time.

8. The Commute - Ok so there are definitely times I really really don't miss the commute. A 3 hour delay, being shoved out the way by several passengers whilst 6 months pregnant, a packed sweaty train so full that a fellow passengers perspiration dripped on me for 30 minutes... But that time to myself first thing in the morning and after work leaving the stress of the office behind me was sometimes quite a god send. And I definitely miss The Archers, if anyone can let me know how Helen is doing I'd really appreciate it??? 

9. Disposable Income - I am often told how lucky I am that we can afford for me to be a SAHM. I wonder if people comprehend the sacrifices this comes with? I'm not really sure we can afford it. Money is extremely tight and there is generally no budget for anything non essential. I miss meals and nights out, Friday night takeaways, going to gigs... Or buying anything for my self without having to ask my husband for the funds to do so and budgeting it in a month in advance.

10. Being Cooked For - When I was working I got home a lot later than my husband so a lot of the time he would sort dinner. I would estimate I now do around 95% of the cooking. I don't mind, it means we all get to eat together and family dinners have always been important to me, but I did enjoy coming home to my dinner (or takeaway or going out for dinner, also things that are no longer possible)!

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  1. In Spain they have 'communal office spaces' where free lancers and self employed people can take their laptops and work around others-this would be awesome to set up in the U.K.! Like minded people popping into the office,


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