12 Signs you're raising a feral child
My child has been described as 'feral' on more than one occasion. Most recently this week whilst running around a pub garden barefoot holding a big piece of flatbread with filthy dirty hands from digging in the dirt (bread also covered in dirt) and wild untamed hair! Some parents may find it a somewhat offensive term, I, however, accept it as a compliment [and in the case this week, this is how it was meant]. My girl is definitely 'spirited'! She's a wonderfully wild, energetic and excitable creature oozing enthusiasm for pretty much everything. But her bold character can sometimes verge on feral.
- existing in a natural state, as animals or plants; not domesticated or cultivated; wild.
Dictionary definition
- existing in a natural state, as animals or plants; not domesticated or cultivated; wild.
Here are some tell tale signs your child may also show 'feral' signs...
- They strip naked - often and unannounced - I don't know how many times I've turned around to find a pile of clothes and cute little bare butt staring me in the face!
- They spend majority of their time bare foot - My girl spends so much time barefoot that she has actually created a toughened sole!! I do continuously put shoes back on her but there are times I just give in! Providing its relatively safe to do so.
- They are always a little dishevelled, with dirty clothes - Clothes don't stay clean long, she seems to attract dirt and grime!
- They are happy (even prefer) to eat food straight from the floor - "You have a whole bag full of crisps! You can leave that one!" (referring to the soggy crisp in a muddy puddle she seems adamant she can't possibly leave!).
- They have wild untamed hair at all times! - Uncombed, my girl's hair resembles Russell Brand, brushed it looks like candy floss! Any attempt to add a hairband or clip do not go down well. It really is a lose/lose situation.
- They seem more interested in other animals than humans - My girl gets so excited by every animal she spots, even just a pigeon out of the window. People are definitely secondary beings in her world!
- Its not uncommon to find them approaching strangers for food - It can be embarrassing. My child will go stand and stare if she sees another child being given a snack. These are people she has never seen before!
- They throw wild, untameable tantrums for seemingly no real reason - I'm sure most 2 year olds throw tantrums and my girl is no exception. She is incredibly strong for her size and if she doesn't want to do something she is not doing it! I just have to sit quietly till she calms, she can not be tamed in these situations.
- They always have grubby dirty nails and feet - Even after a good scrub in the bath. Her feet still look slightly grubby!
- They seem to launch themselves from anywhere with no regard to safety - Jumping is more than a hobby, its a way of life. If she has nothing to jump from or to, she'll create her own assault course!
- They reach volumes you'd never believe possible for a person their size - And the pitch is quite incredible too. There is just a lot of noise!!
- They climb anywhere, everywhere at all times - My girl could climb before she could walk, she's a very efficient climber. I can turn my back for 20 seconds and she's scaled something new!
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