Why I love babywearing

When pregnant with my first child I got a little carried away with 'Baby shopping'. I had a spreadsheet, reviewed all kinds of 'must-have' lists, read reviews on a number of products. I purchased a baby carrier...purely because it was on my 'list'. I figured it would be useful in certain situations. I never imagined it would become my preferred way to transport my little one, nor that I would continue to carry her through her toddler years and beyond. What was also a surprise was that my husband turned out to be even more keen on baby-wearing than me. There are very few occasions where he will opt for the buggy over a carrier. As for Piers Morgan's ridiculous claims that - 'Baby wearing is emasculating', quote from my dear husband - 'How?, you're literally walking around with proof you have had sex strapped to you'. Here here!!

3 Year Old in the Connecta Toddler - Back Carry.
Tired legs at the end of our walk

It's not that I'm against push chairs, at times they are a must, nor do I think everyone should be carrying! It doesn't work for everyone. Like all aspects of parenting there is no 'one size fits all' solution. But for us - baby wearing works! If you are keen to learn more look out for local groups and sling libraries - These are great, there are so many carrying options and they can help you find which is the most suitable for you. You can then take it away to try for a couple of weeks before you invest in your own, or just borrow for a holiday if carrying's  not for you on a permanent basis.

3 Year Old in the Connecta Toddler - Back Carry.
Napping on Daddy after a long walk 

I wanted to share with you why I (we) love baby wearing!*

Sheltering my precious girl from the overly intrusive (& possibly germy) peering strangers. Lots of people love to coo over babies and whilst I do get a kick of being told how lovely my darling girl is - I do not appreciate strangers leering in and touching my child. They could have / had bugs, possibly without even knowing. They could be smokers. Either way, I really do not like strangers touching (or even breathing too closely to) my baby girl. If she's in the carrier/wrap, then leering too closely results in staring at my chest. Awkward for all parties. I'm not saying that that doesn't happen/hasn't happened, but it is a lot less frequent than when in the pushchair.

Baby No. 2  at 3 Weeks old in the Free Rider Stretchy Wrap

Similarly the overly opinionated. There seems to be an unwritten rule that makes it absolutely acceptable and common place to comment on a baby's size. This is something that has bothered me from the early days of Child One. The other day my baby was in the pushchair (I had a bunch of parcels to deliver, there are some occasions the pushchair is the more practical option) and a 'leer-er' was leaning over cooing and asked 'how old', when I replied 'she's 4 months' she piped back 'Oh. I would have guessed at least 5!'. This kind of thing does not happen when snuggled up close and tight next to me away from prying eyes.

Daddy wrap cuddles at 1 Month in the Free Rider Stretchy Wrap

Getting sh*t done! Many babies, both of mine for sure, don't like being put down. And whilst the idea of snuggling down on the sofa with a cup of tea and daytime TV sounds lush, there are times (even more so if its not your first) where sh*t really needs to get done! Washing, vacuuming, cooking, shopping, even making said cup of tea. If you have a clingy baby or they are just a bit crabby that day, or a bit poorly, whatever the reason (and lets face it they don't need a reason!), they just want to be held. Whack 'em in the carrier and you can get on! Recently I spent the whole afternoon gardening with a little one strapped to me!

Then 2 Year Old in the Connecta Toddler - Front Carry.
Disney Land Paris - Theme Parks and Buggy's are definite 'No go!' for us!
Laziness. I find it utterly baffling why people think it is easier to collapse a pushchair, put it in the car, put it up, strap in child, to walk 100 meters, and then do it all again in reverse. If I'm popping to the shop, attending a class, or a great example from today - going to the cinema. It is so much easier to plonk em in the carrier for 5 minutes, you can even keep it on in the car if you have a few stops and are super lazy. Honestly, it is way more convenient to me. I am far too lazy to keep constructing and deconstructing a chair. My pushchair is mostly used when I am going somewhere from my house, it is very rare it gets lugged in the car. 

8 Months Pregnant Carrying then 2 Year Old in the pouring rain! 

A few other things to mention...
  • Avoiding navigating lifts, narrow door ways, steps, ramps taking you the long way round. This again is down to my laziness! 
  • Naps! A lot of Child Two's day time naps are whilst she's being carried. Its easier to get her off to sleep and I can continue with my day without being bound to the house for certain parts of the day.
  • Warmth! I have had Winter babies both times and absolutely loved having my little human hot water bottle strapped to me all winter, keeping each other snug and warm! Less of a draw in the summer admittedly.
  • Chasing a toddler! My older kid really is hands on! Literally! I need to be hands-free to parent her! Poor baby would probably be left to roll into a pond or the road while I was distracted chasing the older child if she was in the push chair more often.
  • Dog walks, woodland, beach. There are lots more lovely walks you can do if you don't have a push chair. Have you ever tried to push a push chair on sand. I promise. It is impossible. Don't even attempt it. 
  • They get to see loads more and be more involved!
  • Burning calories and building up strength! On occasion I carry them both together. It's the closest I feel to being Super Women!
  • Feeding on the go. It took me a while to master but it is possible. 
One of the more challenging moments as a mum of two! To my friends that were with me at the time, thank you! Newborn in Close Caboo on the front, 3 Year Old in Connecta Toddler on the back! 

But the Number 1 reason! The best reason of all! Cuddles! You can get on with whatever you need to do, go where you need to go, and still get lots of lovely cuddles. Carrier cuddles are just scrummy!! I adore my girls being snuggled in tight to cuddle.

1st Child at 11 months in Baby Bjorn One on Holiday in Barcelona. 
No Buggy's allowed in Gaudi's house! 

*I want to make clear that these are my personal opinions of why I enjoy baby wearing.


  1. Beautiful post! Couldn't agree more. Of course it's down to personal choice like all parenting topics, but I am with you on the loving it! Love a little snuggle with my Nanny kids while I can do chores and such! Thank you for posting
    Nanny M x


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